
你在寻找 CIP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CIP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CIP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CIP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CIP calf intestinal alkaline phosphate (小)牛小肠碱性磷酸酶
CIP Carriage,insurance paid 运费保险费已付
CIP Classical IP over ATM ATM上的传统IP
CIP Commercial Instruction Processor 商用指令处理机
CIP Console Interface Program 控制台接口程序
CIP Certified Internet Professional 互联网专业认证
CIP catalog(u)ing in publication 预编目录
CIP Call Information Processing 呼叫信息处理
CIP Congestion Indication Primitive 拥塞指示原语
CIP Cataloging In Publication 预编目录
CIP Client Interactive Program 客户交互程序
CIP Continuous Process Improvement 持续生产改善
CIP Construction in Progress 在建工程
CIP Channel Interface Processor 【电脑】通道接口处理器(Cisco公司开发的处理器)
CIP clean in place 原位清洗
CIP Canadian Institute of Planners (Urban Planners Professional Association) 加拿大规划师协会(城市规划师专业协会)
CIP Communications Improvement Program 沟通改进计划
CIP Commands In Progress 正在执行的命令
CIP Candidate Interoperability Plan 候选互操作性计划
CIP Contract Into Plane 收缩成平面
CIP Carbon-In-Pulp 纸浆中的碳
CIP Class Improvement Plan 舰级性能改进计划
CIP Capital Investment Program 资本投资计划
CIP Cognitive Inventory Profile 认知量表概况
CIP Center for Interactive Programs (University of Wisconsin) 互动程序中心(威斯康星大学)
CIP Clean-In-Place 就地清洁
CIP CINC Interoperability Program Office CINC互操作性计划办公室
CIP gastric inhibitory polypeptide 胃抑制多肽
CIP Combat Identification Panel 作战识别小组
CIP Civilian Investigative Panel (Miami, FL) 民事调查小组(佛罗里达州迈阿密)
CIP Component-Independent Palette 独立于组件的选项板
CIP Channel Interface Processor (Cisco) 通道接口处理器(Cisco)
CIP Classical Internet Protocol Over ATM ATM上的经典Internet协议
CIP Civilian Institution Program 民间机构计划
CIP Component Improvement Program 部件改进计划
CIP Complete Internet Protection 完整的Internet保护
CIP Common Intelligence Picture 普通情报图片
CIP Command Interface Port 司令部接口端口
CIP Check It Products Check It产品
CIP Cultural Initiatives Programme (Department of Canadian Heritage) 文化倡议计划(加拿大遗产部)
CIP Commission Internationale Permanente (ammunition standard) 国际永久委员会(弹药标准)
CIP Channel Identification Plan (cable television) 频道识别计划(有线电视)
CIP Concrete Insulated Panel 混凝土隔热板
CIP Centro Internacional de la Papa (Peru) 帕帕国际中心(秘鲁)
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (shipping) 运费和保险费(运费)
CIP Career Intern Program 职业实习生计划
CIP Challenge Incarceration Program 挑战监禁计划
CIP Customer-Initiated Payment 客户发起的付款
CIP Common Installation Picture 常见安装图片
CIP Community Investment Prospectus 社区投资招股书
CIP Communicating Interacting Processes 沟通交互过程
CIP Capital Improvements Program 资本改善计划
CIP Customer Integration Panel 客户集成面板
CIP Collision Intervention Processor 碰撞干预处理器
CIP Carrier Identification Parameter (ATMF) 载波识别参数(ATMF)
CIP Continuous Improvement Plan 持续改进计划
CIP Cataloging-in-Print 打印目录
CIP Commissione delle istituzioni politiche 政治委员会
CIP Common Indexing Protocol 通用索引协议
CIP Common Industrial Protocol (ODVA) 通用工业协议(ODVA)
CIP Centre for International Peacebuilding 国际建设和平中心
CIP Christians in Parliament (UK) 议会中的基督徒(英国)
CIP Carriage And Insurance Paid 运费和保险费
CIP Chipata, Zambia 赞比亚奇帕塔
CIP Commanders Information Program 指挥官信息计划
CIP California Innocence Project (law school program) 加州无辜项目(法学院项目)
CIP Compacted in Place 就地压实
CIP Capital Improvement Plan 资本改善计划
CIP Computers in Physics 物理学中的计算机
CIP Connector Interface Panel 连接器接口面板
CIP Cold Isostatic Pressing 冷等静压
CIP Combined Interoperability Program 联合互操作性计划
CIP Contraband Interdiction Program (Florida) 禁戒计划(佛罗里达州)
CIP Central Investment Program 中央投资计划
CIP Cast-In-Place 现浇混凝土
CIP Commercial Import Program 商业进口计划
CIP Common Isochronous Packet 通用等时数据包
CIP Case In Point 案例输入点
CIP Corrugated Iron Pipe 波纹铁管
CIP Communications Improvement Plan 通信改进计划
CIP Current Instructional Practices (education) 当前教学实践(教育)
CIP The Common Indexing Protocol 通用索引协议
CIP Capital Investment Panel 资本投资小组
CIP Cast Iron Pipe 铸铁管
CIP Class Improvement Program 班级改进计划
CIP Carbonyl Iron Powder 羰基铁粉
CIP Continuous Improvement Program 持续改进计划
CIP Compagnia Italiana Petroli (Fidenza, Italy defunct chemical company) 意大利石油公司(Fidenza,意大利已倒闭的化工公司)
CIP Common Integrated Processor 通用集成处理器
CIP Customer Incentive Program 客户激励计划
CIP Community Improvement Program 社区改善计划
CIP Commander\'s Involvement Program 指挥官的参与计划
CIP Common Imagery Processor 通用图像处理器
CIP Communication Invoice Process 通信发票流程
CIP Computed Impact Point 计算冲击点
CIP Carrier Identification Parameter 载波识别参数
CIP Core Investment Program 核心投资计划
CIP Compressor Inlet Pressure 压缩机入口压力
CIP Cascade Improvement Program 级联改进计划
CIP clinical pathology 临床病理学

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