
你在寻找 CFL 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CFL 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CFL 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CFL的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CFL CorelFLOW Chart CorelFLOW图表
CFL Calibrated Focal Length 校准焦距
CFL Canadian Federation of Labour 加拿大劳工联合会
CFL Contains Foul Language 包含脏话
CFL Custom Function Library 自定义函数库
CFL Central Florida 佛罗里达州中部
CFL Compact Fluorescent Light 紧凑型荧光灯
CFL Collaborative Family Law 合作家庭法
CFL Context Free Language 上下文无关语言
CFL Cold Flush 冷冲洗
CFL Children, Families and Learning 儿童、家庭和学习
CFL SociÉtÉ Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxemburgeois (Luxembourg National Railway Company) SociÉtÉ Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxemburgeois (Luxembourg National Railway Company)
CFL California Federation of Labor 加州劳工联合会
CFL Chemin de Fer Luxembourgeois 卢森堡化学研究所
CFL Close Focus Lens 近焦镜头
CFL Christian Family Living/Life 基督教家庭生活/生活
CFL Canadian Football League 加拿大足球联赛
CFL Customer Final Label (UK mailing bag label) 客户最终标签(英国邮袋标签)
CFL Captain/Colonel for Life (military slang for someone who is unlikely to be promoted) 船长/上校的生命(军事俚语,指某人谁也不太可能提升)
CFL Command File Language 命令文件语言
CFL Commission on Filipino Language 菲律宾语言委员会
CFL Claim for Loss 损失索赔
CFL Confidential Frequency List (publication) 机密频率列表(出版物)
CFL Cleared Flight Level 许可飞行高度层
CFL Committee for a Free Lithuania 自由立陶宛委员会
CFL Cathode Fluorescent Lamp 阴极荧光灯
CFL Chinese Federation of Labor (Taiwan, China) 中国劳工联合会(中国台湾)
CFL cardiac force loop 心力环路
CFL chemotactic factor for lymphocyte 淋巴细胞趋化因子
CFL Christ for Life 生命的基督
CFL Compact Fluorescent Light/bulb 紧凑型荧光灯/灯泡
CFL Committee on Federal Laboratories 联邦实验室委员会
CFL Consolidated Fisheries Ltd 联合渔业有限公司
CFL Courant-Friedrich-Levy Condition (constraint on solving FDTD equations) Courant Friedrich Levy条件(求解FDTD方程的约束)
CFL Computer Forensics Laboratory 计算机取证实验室
CFL Capacitated Facility Location 容量设施位置
CFL Calcaneofibular Ligament (physiology) 跟骨腓韧带(生理学)
CFL Critical Field Length 机场临界长度
CFL Central Federal Lands 中央联邦土地
CFL Campaign for Liberty 自由运动
CFL Choppers for Life 生命之砍刀
CFL Coordinated Fire Line 火力协调线
CFL Center for Literacy 扫盲中心
CFL Contingency Planning Facilities List (US DoD) 应急计划设施清单(美国国防部)
CFL Cease Fire Line 停止火线
CFL Call Failure (Signal) 呼叫失败(信号)
CFL Cadet Flight Leader 学员飞行队长
CFL Constant Feed Lubricator 恒定进料润滑器
CFL Council of Federal Libraries 联邦图书馆委员会
CFL Consequence of Failure Level 故障等级的后果
CFL Club Francais du Livre (French Book Club) 法语俱乐部(法语图书俱乐部)
CFL Cold Flow Laboratory 冷流实验室
CFL Cleared Flight Level (air navigation) 允许飞行高度层(空中导航)
CFL Community Foundation of the Lowcountry (also seen as CFLC) 低地社区基金会(也称为CFLC)
CFL Ceasefire Line 停火线
CFL Chemin de Fer Luxembourgois 卢森堡化学研究所
CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp 紧凑型荧光灯
CFL Catholic Forensic League 天主教法医联盟
CFL Continental Football League 大陆足球联赛
CFL Champions for Life 终身冠军
CFL Ceylon Federation of Labor 锡兰劳工联合会
CFL Committee for a Free Latvia 自由拉脱维亚委员会

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