
你在寻找 CDE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CDE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CDE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CDE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CDE Contents Directory Entry 目录表入口
CDE Center for Drug Evaluation (国家食品药品监督管理局)药品审评中心
CDE Collaboration Development Environment 协同开发环境
CDE Common Desktop Environment 通用桌面环境
CDE Conference on Disarmament in Europe 欧洲裁军会议
CDE Career Development Event 职业发展活动
CDE Conference on Electron Devices 电子器件会议
CDE Children Designing & Engineering (curriculum development project) 孩子们设计与工程(课程开发项目)
CDE Continuing Dispatch Education 继续派遣教育
CDE Centre of Drug Evaluation (Drug Administration Law of SFDA of China) 药品评价中心(中国食品药品监督管理局药品管理法)
CDE Chemical Dry Etch (semiconductor manufacturing method) 化学干法蚀刻(半导体制造方法)
CDE Critical Driving Error (driving test) 严重驾驶错误(驾驶考试)
CDE Center for Directed Energy 定向能中心
CDE Certified Diabetes Educator 认证糖尿病教育者
CDE Cooperative Development Environment (Oracle) 合作开发环境(Oracle)
CDE Committed Dose Equivalent 承诺剂量当量
CDE Concept Development and Experimentation 概念开发和实验
CDE Continuing Dental Education 继续牙科教育
CDE Commercial Derivative Engine 商业衍生引擎
CDE Concept Design and Evaluation 概念设计和评估
CDE Certified Document Examiner 认证文件审查员
CDE Cadkey Dynamic Extension Cadkey动态扩展
CDE Corporate Data Exchange 公司数据交换
CDE Chemical Downstream Etch 化学下游蚀刻
CDE Consejo para la DesregulaciÓn EconÓmica Consejo para la DesregulaciÓn EconÓmica
CDE chlordiazepoxide,tranquilizer 安定剂氯二氮卓
CDE Career Development Events 职业发展活动
CDE Computer Desktop Encyclopedia 计算机桌面百科全书
CDE canine distemper encephalitis 犬瘟热脑炎
CDE CoaliciÓn DemocrÁtica/CoaliciÓn DemocrÁtica Española CoaliciÓn DemocrÁtica/CoaliciÓn DemocrÁtica Española
CDE council on dental education 牙科教育委员会
CDE Consejo Directivo Escolar Consejo Directive Escolar公司
CDE Chemical Defense Equipment 化学防御设备
CDE Certified Directory Engineer 注册目录工程师
CDE Community Development Entity 社区发展实体
CDE Coeur d\'Alene Mines Corporation of Idaho 矿山企业成为美国爱达荷州
CDE Command Document End (ITU-T) 命令文档结束(ITU-T)
CDE Central De-Detector 中央检测器
CDE Core Deployable Element 核心可部署元素
CDE Cable Discharge Event 电缆放电事件
CDE Chemical Defense Equipment/Establishment 化学防御设备、设施
CDE Clock Detect East 时钟检测东
CDE Complex Data Entry 复杂数据输入
CDE Configuration & Data Engineer 配置和数据的工程师
CDE Claim Data Entry (insurance) 索赔数据输入(保险)
CDE Collaborative Decision Environment 协作决策环境
CDE City Document Exchange 城市文档交换
CDE Computer Design Engineer 计算机设计工程师
CDE Convention relative aux droits de l\'enfant 大会'enfant de fixation相对辅助droits
CDE Certified Data Educator 认证数据教育者
CDE Control Device Evaluation 控制装置评估
CDE Call Detail Element (Cisco) 呼叫详细信息元素(Cisco)
CDE Common Desktop Environment (Unix) 通用桌面环境(Unix)
CDE Collision Detect Electronics 碰撞检测电子设备
CDE Caledonia Airport (Panama) 喀里多尼亚机场(巴拿马)
CDE common duct exploration 共管勘探
CDE Collateral Damage Estimate 附带损害估计
CDE Combined Driving Event 综合驾驶事件
CDE Certificate in Data Education 数据教育证书
CDE collateral damage estimation (US DoD) 附带损害评估(美国国防部)
CDE Compact Disk - Erasable 光盘-可擦除
CDE Common Duct Exploration (cholecystectomy) 总管探查(胆囊切除术)
CDE Convention des Nations Unies relative aux Droits de l\'Enfant (French) 联合国大会相关辅助Droits 'Enfant de fixation(法国)
CDE Colorado Department of Education 科罗拉多州教育部
CDE California Department of Education 加州教育部
CDE Choline-Deficient Ethionine (supplemented diet) 胆碱缺乏型埃塞俄比亚(补充饮食)
CDE Collective Dose Equivalent 集体剂量当量
CDE CorporaciÓn Dominicana de Electricidad (Dominican Republic) CorporaciÓn Dominicana de Electricidad (Dominican Republic)
CDE Consiglio d\'Europa (Italian) Consiglio d 'Europa(意大利)
CDE Coeur d\'Alene Mines Corporation 成为矿山企业
CDE Center for Distance Education and Independent Learning (University of Alaska Fairbanks) 远程教育和独立学习中心(阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校)
CDE Centro de Documentação Europeia (Portugal) Centro de Documentação Europeia (Portugal)
CDE Card Data Entry 卡数据输入
CDE Common Data Environment 通用数据环境
CDE Combat Development Engineering 作战开发工程
CDE Centre for Development and Environment (Germany) 发展与环境中心(德国)

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