
你在寻找 CCT 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CCT 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CCT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CCT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CCT Clock Cycle Time 时钟周期
CCT chorionic corticotropin 绒毛膜促性腺激素
CCT Combat Cortroller Team 空军攻击地面管制队
CCT Common Customs Tariff 共同关税率[欧洲共同体]
CCT computer compatible tape 计算机兼容磁带
CCT Common Computer Test 全国普通高校非计算机专业大学生计算机等级考试
CCT Certified Chemical Technologist (Canadian Society for Chemical Technology) 认证化学技术专家(加拿大化学技术协会)
CCT Central Communications Terminal 中央通信终端
CCT Continuity Check Tone 连续性检查音调
CCT Code Carrier Tracker (GPS) 码载波跟踪器(GPS)
CCT Closed Circuit Test 闭路测试
CCT Cross-Cutting Theme (forestry) 交叉主题(林业)
CCT Carotid Control Technique (law enforcement) 颈动脉控制技术(执法)
CCT Combat Crew Training 战斗人员训练
CCT Curved Crystal Technology 曲面晶体技术
CCT Coherence Cube Technology 相干立方体技术
CCT Combat Capable Trainer 战斗能力训练师
CCT Computed Coronal Tomography 计算机冠状断层扫描
CCT Cylinder Combustion Time 气缸燃烧时间
CCT Cumulative Cycle Time 累计循环时间
CCT Cabinetul Calin Tatomir Cabinetul Calin Tatomir酒店
CCT Consolidated Change Table 改变总表
CCT Command Control Transmitter 指挥控制转发器
CCT Cylinder Conical Tank 圆筒锥形罐
CCT Close Combat Techniques 近战技巧
CCT Circuit Configuration Table 电路配置表
CCT Comfort Cooling Tower 舒适冷却塔
CCT cortical collecting tubule 皮质集合管
CCT Sand Tiger Shark (FAO fish species code) 沙虎鲨(粮农组织鱼类物种代码)
CCT cranial computed tomography 头颅计算机断层扫描
CCT Consultation on Common Texts 共同文本咨询
CCT combined cortical thickness 组合皮质厚度
CCT cocytotaxin cocytotaxin蛋白
CCT Canadian College of Teachers 加拿大教师学院
CCT coated compressed tablet 包衣压片
CCT Coupler Cut Through 耦合器直通
CCT Complete Call To 完成呼叫
CCT craniocerebral trauma 颅脑外伤
CCT controlled cord traction 控制绳牵引力
CCT Commission Canadienne du Tourisme (Canadian Tourism Commission) 加拿大旅游委员会
CCT carotid compression tomography 颈动脉压缩断层扫描
CCT Cool Cool Toon (SNK game) 酷酷卡通(SNK游戏)
CCT coronary care team 冠状动脉护理团队
CCT Core Curriculum Test 核心课程测试
CCT central conduction time 中心传导时间
CCT Cobb County Department of Transportation Authority 科布县交通管理局
CCT Cam Chain Tensioner 凸轮链张力
CCT Critical Crevice Temperature 临界裂缝温度
CCT Computational Complexity Theory 计算复杂性理论
CCT Customer Contracted Team 客户签约团队
CCT cathode closing tetanus 阴极闭合性破伤风
CCT Combat Control Team 战斗控制组
CCT Critical Care Transport (EMS) 重症监护运输(EMS)
CCT Cognitive Complexity Theory 认知复杂性理论
CCT Customized Community Transportation 定制社区交通
CCT Clean Coal Technology 洁净煤技术
CCT Cost Commitment Team (NASA) 成本承诺团队(NASA)
CCT Command & Control Technology 指挥与控制技术
CCT Compulsory Competitive Tendering 强制性竞争性招标
CCT Controlled Clinical Trial 对照临床试验
CCT Correlated Color Temperature 相关色温
CCT China Coast Time (GMT+0800) 中国东部时间0800(GMT +)
CCT Connection Type 连接类型
CCT Constant Current Transformer 恒流变压器
CCT Cyclocryotherapy 循环冷冻疗法
CCT Circuit Connection Table 电路连接表
CCT Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow 建设性明天委员会
CCT Chaos, Complexity and Transport 混沌、复杂性与运输
CCT Combat Control Technician (USAF Special Operations) 作战控制技术员(美国空军特种作战)
CCT Communication Control Team 通信控制小组
CCT Carrier Connect Time 运营商连接时间
CCT Carotid Choke Technique (wrestling hold) 颈动脉扼流技术(摔跤保持)
CCT Cisco Cable Troubleshooter Cisco电缆疑难解答
CCT Computer Controlled Typesetting 计算机控制的排版
CCT Complaint Control Terminal 投诉控制终端
CCT Cardiac Catheterization Technician 心脏导管技术员
CCT Contamination Control Team 污染控制小组
CCT Customer Contact Transformation 客户联系人转换
CCT Collaborative Contingency Targeting 协作应急目标
CCT Clarkson College of Technology (now Clarkson University; Potsdam, NY) 克拉克森技术学院(现克拉克森大学;纽约州波茨坦)
CCT Cortical Collecting Tubule (in the kidneys) 皮质收集管(肾脏)
CCT Customer Control Tool 客户控制工具
CCT Cook\'s Continental Timetable (Thomas Cook travel) 库克的大陆时间表(托马斯·库克旅行)
CCT Collaborative Communications Technology 协作通信技术
CCT Culture Change Team 文化变革团队
CCT Certified Composite Technician 认证复合材料技术员
CCT Channel Check Test 通道检查测试
CCT Computer Contact Teacher 计算机联系老师
CCT Clinical Competency Test 临床能力测试
CCT Certified Calibration Technician (metrology) 认证校准技术员(计量)
CCT Certificate of Completion of Training 培训完成证书
CCT Consultative Committee on Telecommunications 电信咨询委员会
CCT Channel Control Thread 通道控制线程
CCT Commercial Contracting Team 商业承包团队
CCT Common/Collective Trust (IRS Form 5500) 普通/集体的信任(IRS形式5500)
CCT Caribbean Coalition for Tourism 加勒比旅游联盟
CCT Cobb Community Transit (Georgia, USA) 科布社区交通(美国佐治亚州)
CCT Cancer Council of Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚州癌症委员会
CCT Common Customs Tariff (EU) 共同关税(欧盟)

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