
你在寻找 CARE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CARE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CARE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CARE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CARE Computer-Aided Reliability Estimation 计算机辅助可靠性估价
CARE Continuous Aircraft Reliability Evaluation 飞机可靠性的连续鉴定
CARE Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere 美国援外合作社
CARE Chiropractic Association for Research and Education 脊椎治疗研究与教育协会
CARE Cleveland Association of Rescue Employees 克利夫兰救援员工协会
CARE Credit Abuse Resistance Education 信用滥用抵抗教育
CARE Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe 美国向欧洲汇款合作社
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc. 援助和救济无处不在合作社。
CARE Customer Automation & Reporting Environment 客户自动化和报告的环境
CARE Christian Action Research and Education (UK) 基督教行动研究与教育(英国)
CARE Credit Analysis & Research Limited (India) 信用分析与研究有限公司(印度)
CARE Congressional Advocacy Recruitment Effort 国会宣传招募工作
CARE Career Awareness and Resource Education Program (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 职业意识和资源教育计划(国家标准与技术研究所)
CARE Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics 美国研究伦理联盟
CARE Co-Operative Actions of R&D in Eurocontrol (Air Traffic management research program) 在Eurocontrol合作行动的研发(空中交通管理研究计画)
CARE Cardiovascular, Chronic and Aged Care 心血管、慢性和老年护理
CARE Critical Analysis Reporting Environment (crash data) 关键分析报告环境(崩溃数据)
CARE Carpet America Recovery Effort 地毯式美国复苏努力
CARE Cardiac and Respiratory Education 心脏和呼吸教育
CARE Computer Aided Reverse Engineering 计算机辅助逆向工程
CARE Citizens for Alternate Routing of Electricity (Chino Hills, CA) 替代电力路线的公民(加利福尼亚州奇诺山)
CARE Communities Against Radioactive Environments (Queensland, Australia) 放射性环境社区(澳大利亚昆士兰州)
CARE Civil and Resource Engineering 土木与资源工程
CARE Childcare Adoption and Recruitment for Education 儿童保育收养和教育招募
CARE Choice, Ask, Recommend, Encourage 选择、询问、推荐、鼓励
CARE Crisis Awareness and Recovery in Education 危机意识与教育复苏
CARE Concerned About Recess and Education 关注经济衰退与教育
CARE Customer Automation and Reporting Environment 客户自动化和报告环境
CARE Customer Analysis and Reporting (Bluespring) 客户分析和报告(Bluespring)
CARE Community Alliance for Results in Education 教育成果社区联盟
CARE Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act Ryan White综合艾滋病资源紧急法案
CARE Closure And Realignment Effort/Execution 关闭和整治工作/执行
CARE Cottage And Rural Enterprises 农舍和农村企业
CARE Centre for Advanced Research and Education 高等研究和教育中心
CARE Customer Assistance Research & Education 协助研发及教育的客户
CARE Camano Action for a Rural Environment (Stanwood, WA) Camano农村环境行动(华盛顿州斯坦伍德)
CARE Customer Account Record Exchange 客户账户记录交换
CARE Chemical Abuse Resistance Education 抗化学药物滥用教育
CARE Capture-Recapture 捕获重新捕获
CARE Courtesy, Attitude, Respect, And Enthusiasm 礼貌、态度、尊重和热情
CARE Care And Respect Everyone 关心和尊重每个人
CARE Community Alliance Response Effort 社区联盟响应工作
CARE Children Are Reason Enough 孩子是足够的理由
CARE ComitÉs de Ayuda a la Resistencia Española ComitÉs de Ayuda a la Resistencia Española
CARE Courtesy Accessibility Responsiveness And Effectiveness 礼貌无障碍响应和有效性
CARE Committee For Alternative Revenues For Education 教育替代收入委员会
CARE Christian Accountability Recovery And Encouragement 基督教问责制的恢复和鼓励
CARE Children\'s Allowable Receipts And Expenses 孩子们是允许的收入和费用
CARE California Advocates For Re Entry 加州重新入境律师
CARE Central Arkansas Rescue Effort 阿肯色州中部救援队
CARE Cooperativa Americana de Remesas al Exterior 外部修复美国合作社
CARE Child Abuse Research Education 虐待儿童研究教育
CARE Caring And Responsible Encouragers 关爱和负责任的鼓励者
CARE California Alternate Rates For Energy 加州替代能源费率
CARE Children Are Reaching Everywhere 儿童无处不在
CARE Circulation Assimilation Relaxation And Elimination 循环同化放松与消除
CARE Clients Are Reason To Excel 客户是Excel的理由
CARE Copy Availability Resource And Exchange 复制可用性资源和Exchange
CARE Caring Active Relational Evangelizing 关爱积极的关系宣传
CARE Carrier Account Record Exchange (Sprint) 运营商账户记录交换(Sprint)
CARE Computer Assistance Resource Exchange 计算机辅助资源交换
CARE Customers Are Really Everything (sales employee training) 客户是真正的一切(销售员工培训)
CARE Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency 综合艾滋病资源应急
CARE California Alternate Rates for Energy Program 加州替代能源费率计划
CARE Cost and Return Estimator 成本和收益估算器
CARE Cardiac Arrhythmias Research and Education Foundation 心律失常研究与教育基金会
CARE Cooperative Agencies for Resources in Education 教育资源合作机构
CARE Computed-Aided Risk Evaluation 计算机辅助风险评估
CARE Customers for Access Rate Equity 访问率权益的客户
CARE Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively 有效控制酒精风险
CARE Caring Assistance with Resourceful Experience 具有丰富经验的关怀援助
CARE Capital Area Response Effort 首都地区响应工作
CARE Creating Animal Respect Education 创建动物尊重教育
CARE Cost Accumulating, Reporting & Evaluation 评估报告及成本积累
CARE Coronary Artery Risk Evaluation 冠状动脉风险评估
CARE Curtailing Abuse Related to the Elderly 减少与老年人有关的虐待
CARE Coalition for Auto Repair Equality 汽车维修平等联盟
CARE Commission on Aging and Retirement Education (Baltimore, Maryland) 老龄化和退休教育委员会(马里兰州巴尔的摩)
CARE Child Abuse Resource Enhancement 儿童虐待资源增强
CARE Combined Accident Reduction Effort (Illinois State Police) 联合减少事故努力(伊利诺伊州警察局)
CARE Capitol Reef National Park (US National Park Service) 国会礁国家公园(美国国家公园管理局)
CARE Community Action for Revival and Empowerment (Trinidad & Tobago) 社区行为和妇女赋权复兴特立尼达和多巴哥
CARE Campaign for Advancement of Reusch\'s Exposes 运动发展的Reusch的暴露
CARE Computer Aided Reliability Evaluation 计算机辅助可靠性评估
CARE cataloging and rapid entry process 编目和快速录入过程
CARE California Alternative Rates for Energy 加州替代能源费率
CARE Clinical Assessment of the Reliability of the Examination 检查可靠性的临床评估
CARE Citizens Against A Radioactive Environment 公民反对放射性环境
CARE Communities Accepting Responsibility in Education 接受教育责任的社区
CARE Child & Adolescent Resources & Education 儿童和青少年的资源和教育
CARE Customs Administrative Reforms (Pakistan) 海关行政改革(巴基斯坦)
CARE Create A Remarkable Experience 创造卓越体验
CARE Cardiac Awareness Research And Education 心脏意识研究与教育
CARE Christian Addiction Recovery and Education 基督教成瘾康复与教育
CARE Courtesy Appreciation Respect And Enthusiasm 礼貌欣赏尊重和热情
CARE Carrier Access Records Exchange (telecommunications) 运营商访问记录交换(电信)
CARE Compassionate American Relief Efforts 同情的美国救援努力
CARE Community Alliance And Resource For Employers 社区联盟和雇主资源
CARE Consolidated Assistance & Relocation Effort 协助和安置所做出的努力。合并

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