
你在寻找 CAPS 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CAPS 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CAPS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CAPS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CAPS Collective Actin Plans 共同行动计划
CAPS Capitals 大写字母键
CAPS Cleaved Amplified Polymorphism Sequences 酶切扩增多态性序列
CAPS 3-(cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid 3-(环己氨基)-1-丙磺酸
CAPS Call Attempt Per Sercond 每秒嘗試呼叫數
CAPS Cassette Programming System 盒式磁带程序设计系统
CAPS Chinese American Physicians Society 美国华裔医师协会
CAPS California Association of Program Specialists 加州项目专家协会
CAPS Classic Amiga Preservation Society 经典阿米加保存协会
CAPS Canadian Association for People Who Stutter 加拿大口吃者协会
CAPS Creation Association of Puget Sound (Washington state) 普吉特湾创建协会(华盛顿州)
CAPS Connecticut Association of Personnel Services 康涅狄格州人事服务协会
CAPS Canadian Association of Professional Speakers 加拿大专业演说家协会
CAPS Capital (letters) 大写(字母)
CAPS Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (workshop) 主动系统的上下文感知(研讨会)
CAPS Counseling and Psychological Services 咨询和心理服务
CAPS Capabilities 能力
CAPS Coordinating Agents\' Plans and Schedules (International Workshop) 协调代理商的计划和安排(国际研讨会)
CAPS Crew Altitude Protection Suit 乘员高空防护服
CAPS Cirrus Airframe Parachute System Cirrus机身降落伞系统
CAPS Center for the Analysis and Prediction of Storms 风暴分析和预报中心
CAPS Computer Aided Paperless System 计算机辅助无纸系统
CAPS Computer-Aided Publishing System 计算机辅助出版系统
CAPS Center for Advanced Power Systems 先进电力系统中心
CAPS Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist 认证现场老化专家
CAPS Clan and Player System (information and membership system used by online gaming teams) 部落和玩家系统(在线游戏团队使用的信息和会员系统)
CAPS Compugraphic Automated Publishing System 计算机自动出版系统
CAPS Command Automated Program/Information Systems (USMC) 指挥自动化程序/信息系统(符合美国海军陆战队的)
CAPS Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (University of Oregon) 亚洲和太平洋研究中心(俄勒冈大学)
CAPS Crew Activity Planning System 船员活动计划系统
CAPS Community Action for Public Schools 公立学校社区行动
CAPS Clinical Audit Patient Survey 临床审核患者调查
CAPS Counter-proliferation Analysis Planning System 反扩散分析规划系统
CAPS Command Action Planning System (US Navy) 指挥行动计划系统(美国海军)
CAPS Computer Assisted Program System (radio broadcasting) 计算机辅助程序系统(无线电广播)
CAPS Computer-Aided Prototyping System 计算机辅助原型系统
CAPS Conventional Armaments Planning System 常规军备计划系统
CAPS Condensed Accountability Process System 精简问责制
CAPS Centralized Assignment Procedures System 集中分配程序系统
CAPS Communications/Aural Protective System (Gentex) 通讯/听觉防护体系(Gentex)
CAPS Computer Associates Protection Suite (Microsoft) Computer Associates保护套件(Microsoft)
CAPS Community Assault Prevention Services 社区攻击预防服务
CAPS Cost & Planning Status 成本和计划的地位
CAPS Clinician-Administered PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Scale 临床医师管理的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)量表
CAPS Coordinated Aircraft Positioning System 协调飞机定位系统
CAPS Counter Active Protection System 反主动保护系统
CAPS Computer-Assisted Picking System 计算机辅助拣货系统
CAPS Civilian Automated Pay System 民用自动支付系统
CAPS Corporate Accounts Processing System 公司账户处理系统
CAPS Computer-Aided Provisioning System 计算机辅助供应系统
CAPS Code Abuse Prevention System (Sprint) 代码滥用预防系统(Sprint)
CAPS Combat Air Drop Planning Software 战斗空投计划软件
CAPS Centralized Account Processing System (USPS) 集中账户处理系统(USPS)
CAPS Capabilities (Mozilla) 功能(Mozilla)
CAPS Child Advocacy Parenting Services Inc 儿童倡导育儿服务公司
CAPS Computer-Assisted Problem Solving 计算机辅助问题解决
CAPS Center for Advanced Policy Studies 高级政策研究中心
CAPS Computer-Aided Profiling System 计算机辅助仿形系统
CAPS Carrier Availability Planning System 运营商可用性计划系统
CAPS Canadian Annual Procurement Strategy 加拿大年度采购战略
CAPS Cassini Plasma Spectrometer 卡西尼等离子体光谱仪
CAPS Customer Accounting and Payment Strategy 客户会计和支付策略
CAPS Common Attitude Pointing System (NASA) 通用姿态指向系统(NASA)
CAPS Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome 灾难性抗磷脂抗体综合征
CAPS Corrective Action Problem System (NASA) 纠正措施问题系统(NASA)
CAPS Certified Apartment Property Supervisor 注册公寓物业主管
CAPS Consolidated Acquisition of Professional Services (US DoD contract) 专业服务综合采购(美国国防部合同)
CAPS Computer-Assisted Publishing System 计算机辅助出版系统
CAPS Contaminated Air Processing System 污染空气处理系统
CAPS Comet/Asteroid Protection System 彗星/小行星保护系统
CAPS Chicago\'s Alternative Policing Strategy 芝加哥的替代警务策略
CAPS Center for AIDS Prevention Studies 艾滋病预防研究中心
CAPS Computerized Accounts Payable System 计算机化应付账款系统
CAPS Children\'s Academic Program for Summer (Louisiana State University at Alexandria) 儿童的学术计划为夏季(美国路易斯安那州立大学在亚历山大)
CAPS Children of Aging Parents 年迈父母的子女
CAPS Consolidated Aerial Port System 综合航空港系统
CAPS Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence 裂解扩增多态序列
CAPS Center for Academic Program Support (University of New Mexico) 学术项目支持中心(新墨西哥大学)
CAPS Call Attempts Per Second 每秒呼叫尝试次数
CAPS Claims Automation and Procedures Specialists 索赔自动化和程序专家
CAPS Center for Advanced Phillipines Studies 菲律宾高等研究中心
CAPS CESG Assisted Products Scheme (UK) CESG辅助产品计划(英国)
CAPS County Automated Payment System 县自动支付系统
CAPS Corporate Architecture & Performance Standards 公司结构及性能测试标准
CAPS Configuration-Management Analysis & Projection System Configuration-Management分析及预测系统
CAPS Client, Adapter, Protocol, Service (computer network components) 客户端、适配器、协议、服务(计算机网络组件)
CAPS Commercial Accounts Processing System 商业账户处理系统
CAPS Consumers Advancing Patient Safety 消费者促进患者安全
CAPS Child Abuse Prevention Services (Roslyn, NY) 儿童虐待预防服务(纽约州罗斯林)
CAPS Coastal Area Protection System 沿海地区保护系统
CAPS Computer Aided Planning and Scheduling (software for supply chain network design) 计算机辅助计划和调度(供应链网络设计软件)
CAPS Command Automated Procurement System 司令部自动采购系统
CAPS Community of Advanced Placement Scholars 高级安置学者社区
CAPS Cell Atmosphere Processing System 细胞大气处理系统
CAPS Contingency Analysis Planning System 应急分析计划系统
CAPS Commanders Analysis and Planning Simulation (US military ballistic missile defense) 指挥官分析和规划模拟(美国军事弹道导弹防御)
CAPS Commander And Principal Staff 指挥官和主要参谋
CAPS Cummins Accumulator Pump System 康明斯蓄能器泵系统
CAPS Commanders Analysis and Planning Simulation 指挥官分析和规划模拟

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