
你在寻找 APR 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 APR 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 APR 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 APR的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
APR Association of petroleum Refiners 石油精炼厂商协会[美]
APR abdominal-perineal resection 腹会阴切除术
APR acute phase reactant 急性期反应物
APR activity product ratio 活度积化
APR Automatic Programming and Recording 自动程序设计与记录
APR Automatic Position Reporting 自动位置报告
APR Air profile Recording 大气分布图记录系统
APR Annual Progress Report 年度进展报告
APR Annual Percentage Rate 年度成本百分率
APR Alternate Path Retry 替用路径再试
APR Ampicillin replication sequence 氨卞青霉素抗性基因
APR Accredited, Public Relations Society of America 美国公共关系协会认证
APR Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (Arlington, VA) 消费后塑料回收商协会(弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿)
APR Association of Petroleum Re-Refiners 石油再精炼协会
APR Approval and Procurement Record 批准和采购记录
APR Automated Product Request 自动产品请求
APR Assembly Planning Review 装配计划审查
APR Ammunition Performance Report 弹药性能报告
APR Analyse PrÉliminaire de Risque (French) Analyse PrÉliminaire de Risque (French)
APR ARP Poison Routing (network security) ARP毒药路由(网络安全)
APR Audi Performance and Racing 奥迪性能与赛车
APR Audiovisual Production Requirements 视听制作要求
APR Automatic Parts Remover 自动零件拆卸器
APR Automatic Picture Replacement (computer graphics) 自动图片替换(计算机图形)
APR Airport Representative (hotel industry) 机场代表(酒店业)
APR Adaptive Plot Refinement 自适应打印优化
APR Academic Performance Rate 学习成绩率
APR Appian Publications and Recordings (UK) Appian出版物和录音(英国)
APR Atomic Power Robot (Earthbound game) 原子能机器人(地球游戏)
APR Asynchronous Persistent Repetition 异步持续重复
APR Acquisition Planning Records 采办计划记录
APR African Peer Review 非洲同行审查
APR Automatic Power Reserve 自动功率储备
APR Alaska and Polar Regions 阿拉斯加和极地
APR Antenna Pedestal Reflector 天线座反射器
APR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Privater Rundfunk Arbeitsgemeinschaft私人运营商
APR Arbeitsdatei PIOS Rauschgift Rauschgift公司
APR Accident-Potential Recognition 事故隐患识别
APR Admission to Practice Rules (court rules) 执业许可规则(法院规则)
APR Adjusted Pitching Runs (arcane baseball statistic) 调整后的投球次数(神秘的棒球统计)
APR Arizona Pylon Racing 亚利桑那州Pylon赛车
APR Approach (aviation) 进近(航空)
APR amebic prevalence rate 阿米巴流行率
APR Agricultural Preservation Reservation 农业保护区
APR auropalpebral reflex 极光反射
APR Advisory and Payment Request 咨询和付款请求
APR anterior pituitary reaction 垂体前反应
APR Annual Percentage Rates 年百分比率
APR anatomically programmed radiology 解剖程序放射学
APR Accredited Public Relations 认可的公共关系
APR anterior primary rami 前原支
APR Average Penalty Received 收到的平均罚款
APR anterior pituitary resection 垂体前叶切除术
APR Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser) 员工绩效评估(员工评估师)
APR Alarm Processing Remote 报警处理远程
APR Agricultural Plastics Recycle 农业塑料回收
APR Annual Program Review 年度计划审查
APR Air Purifying Respirator(s) 空气净化呼吸器
APR Alternative Press Review 备选新闻评论
APR Aberdeen Pulsed Reactor Facility 阿伯丁脉冲反应堆设施
APR Adult Plant Resistance 成年植物抗性
APR Acoustic Paramagnetic Resonance 声顺磁共振
APR Annual Product Review 年度产品审查
APR Ammonium Perrhenate 过铼酸铵
APR Acute Phase Response 急性期反应
APR Accountability Progress Reporting 问责进度报告
APR Asia Pacific Region (IEEE) 亚太地区(IEEE)
APR Active Position Return 主动位置返回
APR Agricultural Preservation Restriction 农业保护限制
APR Airborne Profile Recorder 机载剖面记录仪
APR Area of Primary Responsibility 主要责任领域
APR AsociaciÓn del Padre Responsable (Guatemala parental support group) AsociaciÓn del Padre Responsable (Guatemala parental support group)
APR Apache Portable Runtime Apache可移植运行时
APR academic progress rate (education) 学业进步率(教育)
APR American Poetry Review 美国诗歌评论
APR Ashland Park-Robbins (school) Ashland Park Robbins(学校)
APR Acquisition(s) Procurement Request 采购申请
APR Automated Password Reset 自动密码重置
APR Advanced Port Replicator (portable computer dock) 高级端口复制器(便携式计算机坞)
APR Automatic Power Reduction 自动功率降低
APR Airman Performance Report (USAF) 空军性能报告(USAF)
APR Artists\' Papers Register (UK) 艺术家的论文寄存器(英国)
APR assign primary zone routing (US DoD) 分配主区域路由(美国国防部)
APR Above Prime Rate 高于最优惠利率
APR Apolipoprotein Receptor 载脂蛋白受体
APR Advance Production Release 提前生产发布
APR Analyse et Programmation (French) 分析和编程(法语)
APR Abdominoperitoneal Resection 腹部手术切除术
APR Adaptive Power Residue 自适应功率剩余
APR Appareil de Protection Respiratoire (French) 防护呼吸器(法语)
APR Attending Physician\'s Report (insurance) 主治医师的报告(保险)
APR Acoustic Product Request 声学产品请求
APR Accreditation in Public Relations 公共关系认证
APR American Public Radio 美国公共广播电台
APR Agency Procurement Request 机构采购需求
APR American Politics Research 美国政治研究
APR Annual Performance Report 年度绩效报告
APR Autumn Performance Report (UK government) 秋季业绩报告(英国政府)

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