
你在寻找 APEX 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 APEX 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 APEX 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 APEX的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
APEX advance purchase excursion 预售优惠券
APEX Association of Professional Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff (UK union founded in 1989 and merged into GMU known a 专业行政、文书和计算机工作人员协会(英国工会成立于1989年,并入GMU,称为
APEX Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (l\'Association Professionelle des Cadres de la F 协会的公共服务的职业经理队伍的加拿大(左'Association Professionelle des干部Publique杜德拉求解加拿大)
APEX American Philatelic Society Expertising Service 美国集邮协会专家服务
APEX Airborne Prism Experiment (hyperspectral pushbroom spectrometer) 机载棱镜实验(高光谱推室光谱仪)
APEX AgÊncia de Promoção Às Exportações AgÊncia de Promoção Às Exportações
APEX Argonne Production, Expansion and Exchange (model for electrical systems) 阿贡生产、扩建和交换(电气系统模型)
APEX Advanced Prototyping, Engineering & eXperimentation (US Army Modeling and Simulation Laboratory - Redstone Arsenal, AL) 先进的成型、工程及实验(美国军队的建模和仿真实验室,艾尔-红石阿森纳)
APEX Advanced Power EXtraction 高级动力EXtraction
APEX Accepted Practices Exchange (Convention Industry Council initiative) 公认惯例交流(会议行业理事会倡议)
APEX APLE Prototype Experiment APLE原型实验
APEX Automated Planning and Execution Control System 自动化计划和执行控制系统
APEX Automated Power Expert 自动化电源专家
APEX Adaptive Principal component EXtraction (neural algorithm) 自适应主成分EXtraction(神经算法)
APEX African-American Panoramic Experience (Atlanta, Georgia) 非裔美国人全景体验(佐治亚州亚特兰大)
APEX Arctic Polynya Experiment 北极波利尼亚实验
APEX Advance Purchase Excursion (airline industry) 预购旅行(航空业)
APEX Atacama Pathfinder Experiment 阿塔卡马探路者实验
APEX Asian Professional Exchange 亚洲专业交流
APEX Armor Piercing Explosive (ammunition type) 穿甲炸药(弹药型)
APEX AntiProton Experiment 反质子实验
APEX Achievement Professionalism Excellence And Xtraordinary 成就专业卓越和非凡
APEX Advanced Performance Experimental X 高级性能实验X
APEX Apex Tank Car Line Apex罐车生产线
APEX Albany Power Exchange 奥尔巴尼电力交易所
APEX Aerodynamic Performance Experiment 空气动力学性能实验
APEX Application Exchange 应用程序交换
APEX Advanced Photovoltaic & Electronics Experiment 先进的光电及电子实验
APEX Arctic Pulse Experimental (Sonar) 北极脉冲实验(声纳)
APEX Additive System of Photographic Exposure 照相曝光添加剂系统
APEX Active Plasma Experiment Satellite 有源等离子体实验卫星
APEX All-Purpose Excuse 万能的借口
APEX Automatic Preferred Enhanced Capital Securities (Goldman Sachs; hybrid debt equity secuirty) 自动优先增强资本证券(高盛;混合债转股证券)
APEX Advanced Phase-conjugation Experiment 高级相位共轭实验
APEX Awards for Publication Excellence 卓越出版奖
APEX Advanced Placement Experience 高级安置经验
APEX Air Pollution Exchange 空气污染交换
APEX Advanced Plant Experiment 高级植物实验
APEX Advanced Packet Exchange 高级数据包交换
APEX Advance Purchase Excursion Fare (Airline Lingo) 提前购买游览票价(航空公司Lingo)
APEX Acquisition Planning and Execution 采办计划和执行
APEX Argonne Plasma Experiment 阿贡等离子体实验
APEX American Product Excellence 美国卓越产品

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