
你在寻找 APCA 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 APCA 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 APCA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 APCA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
APCA Air Pollution Control Association 空气污染控制协会[加]
APCA Australian Payments Clearing Association 澳大利亚支付清算协会
APCA American Concrete Pavement Association 美国混凝土路面协会
APCA Ashland Professional Counseling Associates Ashland专业咨询协会
APCA Australian Petroleum Consultants Association 澳大利亚石油顾问协会
APCA Amateur and Professional Cartoonists Association 业余和专业漫画家协会
APCA American Personal Chef Association 美国私人厨师协会
APCA American Philosophical Counseling Association 美国哲学咨询协会
APCA Alaska Primary Care Association 阿拉斯加初级保健协会
APCA Australian Pest Controllers Association Inc. 澳大利亚有害生物控制协会。
APCA American Pool Checker Association 美国游泳池检查协会
APCA Asia-Pacific Countertrade Association 亚太反贸易协会
APCA American Professional Captains Association 美国职业船长协会
APCA Association of Philatelic Chroniclers of Argentina 阿根廷集邮编年史协会
APCA Australian Personal Computer Accessories Pty Ltd 澳大利亚个人电脑配件私人有限公司
APCA Asian Pacific Community in Action (Phoenix, AZ) 亚太行动共同体(亚利桑那州凤凰城)
APCA Auditing Practices Committee Archive 审计实务委员会档案
APCA Air Pollution Control Authority 空气污染控制局
APCA Associação Portuguesa das Casas Antigas (Portuguese Association of Antique Homes) Associação Portuguesa das Casas Antigas (Portuguese Association of Antique Homes)
APCA American Portland Cement Alliance 美国波特兰水泥联盟
APCA Associação Portuguesa de Controlo AutomÁtico (Portuguese Association for Automatic Control) Associação Portuguesa de Controlo AutomÁtico (Portuguese Association for Automatic Control)
APCA Associação Portuguesa de Corridas de Aventura (Portuguese Adventure Racing Association) Associação Portuguesa de Corridas de Aventura (Portuguese Adventure Racing Association)
APCA AsociaciÓn de Productores de CafÉ Genuino Antigua (Genuine Antigua Coffee Producers Association; Antigua; Guat AsociaciÓn de Productores de CafÉ Genuino Antigua (Genuine Antigua Coffee Producers Association; Antigua; Guat
APCA Additional Protocol/Complementary Access 附加协议/互补的访问
APCA Acetazolamide-responsive Hereditary Paroxysmal Cerebellar Ataxia 乙酰唑胺反应性遗传性阵发性小脑共济失调
APCA Asia-Pacific Center for Architecture 亚太建筑中心
APCA Air Pollution Control Area 空气污染控制区
APCA Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities 校园活动促进会
APCA Associação Paulista de CrÍticos de Arte (Portugese) Associação Paulista de CrÍticos de Arte (Portugese)
APCA AssemblÉe Permanente des Chambres d\'Agriculture (permanent assembly of the Chamber of Agriculture, France) AssemblÉe Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (permanent assembly of the Chamber of Agriculture, France)
APCA Add Purchasing Card Association 添加采购卡关联
APCA Advanced Patient Care Assistant 高级患者护理助理
APCA anti-parietal cell anti-body 抗顶壁细胞抗体
APCA Anthropogenic Precursor Culpability Assessment 人类成因前体过失评估

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