
你在寻找 AO 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 AO 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 AO 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 AO的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
AO Automated Office 自动化办公室
AO Among Others 除了别的以外,其中
AO Accommodation Officer [英](学校)宿舍管理员
AO Angola 安哥拉
AO acridine orange 吖啶橙
AO Analog Output 模拟输出
AO abdominal aorta 腹主动脉
AO absortion ointment 吸水软膏剂
AO acid output 酸排出量
AO Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
AO Arctic Ocean 北极海, 北冰洋
AO Adults Only (WIN)只允许成年人
AO Anti-Oxidant 抗氧化剂,硬化防止剂
AO Applied Optics 应用光学
AO Audit Office 进款检查室
AO Access Opening 检修孔, 人孔
AO Access Ordering (WIN)访问顺序
AO Application Objects 应用对象
AO Application Original 应用始发
AO Australian Airlines (IATA airline code) 澳大利亚航空公司(IATA航空公司代码)
AO Association Orukutuku Orukutuku协会
AO Active Optical 有源光学器件
AO Attack Objective 攻击目标
AO Airdrome Officer 机场值班军官
AO Atlanto-Occipital (joint) 寰枕(关节)
AO Adaptive Onestep (IEEE) 自适应单步(IEEE)
AO Account Owner 帐户所有者
AO Ambleside Online (homeschool curriculum) Ambleside Online(家庭学校课程)
AO Associated Object 关联的对象
AO Officer of the Order of Australia 澳大利亚骑士团官员
AO Aaron Owens (streetball player) 阿伦·欧文斯(街球运动员)
AO Aosta (Val d\'Aosta, Italy) Aosta瓦尔d 'Aosta(意大利)
AO Office of the Administrator 署长办公室
AO Administrative Office/ Officer 行政办公/军官
AO Atmosphere-Ocean 大气海洋
AO Announcement of Opportunity 机会的宣布
AO Auxiliary Operator (nuclear industry) 辅助操作员(核工业)
AO Aeronautical Orders (orders authorizing a military person to perform duties in flight) 航空命令(授权军人执行飞行任务的命令)
AO Acquisition Objective 收购目标
AO Action Oriented 以行动为导向
AO Area of Operation(s) 操作区域
AO Anarchy Online (internet game) 无政府在线(网络游戏)
AO Aerosol Obscurant 气溶胶遮蔽物
AO Abgabenordnung (German tax regulations) Abgabenordnung(德国税务法规)
AO Associate Post Office (also called associate office) 联合邮局(也称为联合办公室)
AO Accompanying Object 伴随对象
AO Afrique Orientale (German East Africa) 东方非洲(德语东非)
AO AntiOnline (computer security website) AntiOnline(计算机安全网站)
AO ACCS (Army Command and Control System) OSI (Operator System Interface) 陆军指挥控制系统OSI(操作员系统接口)
AO Annotated Outline 带注释的大纲
AO Accredited Organization 认证机构
AO Acronym Overload 首字母缩略词重载
AO Atomic Orbital 原子轨道
AO Adaptive Optics 自适应光学系统
AO Arctic Oscillation 北极振荡
AO Aerial Observer 空中观察员
AO Air Observer 空中观察员
AO Aviation Officer 航空官员
AO Aircraft Operator 飞机操作员
AO Alexander Ovechkin (hockey player) 亚历山大·奥维奇金(曲棍球运动员)
AO Other Articles (US postal service) 其他物品(美国邮政服务)
AO Accounts Office 会计办公室
AO Adults Only (ESRB game rating, 18 yrs. and up; graphic sex/violence) 成年人(ESRB游戏评级,18 yrs.和图形性/暴力)
AO Authorized Outage 授权停机
AO Automated Operations 自动化操作
AO Abort Output (TELNET protocol) 中止输出(TELNET协议)
AO Athlitikos Omilos (Greek: Athletic Club) Athlitikos Omilos(希腊语:竞技俱乐部)
AO Automags Online 自动杂志在线
AO American Optical 美国光学公司
AO Academy of Osseointegration 学会
AO Atualidades OrnitolÓgicas (Ivaiporã-PR, Brazil) Atualidades OrnitolÓgicas (Ivaiporã-PR, Brazil)
AO Anglicans Online 英国圣公会在线
AO Autonomous Okrug 自治Okrug
AO Appeals Office(r) 上诉办公室(r)
AO Argentum Online Argentum在线
AO Alpha et Omega (epigraphy) Alpha et Omega(金石学)
AO Authorizing Official (for IMPAC Purchases) 授权官员(IMPAC采购)
AO Attendees Only 仅限与会者
AO Anodal Opening 阳极开口
AO Account Of 帐户
AO Age Old 老年人
AO Atelosteogenesis 发育不全
AO Atomic Operation 原子操作
AO aortic root 主动脉根部
AO Air Operation 空中作业
AO Assembly Order 装配顺序
AO Advisory Opinion 咨询意见
AO Amphibious Operation 两栖作战
AO Abnormal Occurrence 异常发生
AO Answers Only (educational testing) 仅答案(教育测试)
AO Administrative Order 行政命令
AO Anarchy-Online (PC MMORPG) 无政府在线(PC MMORPG)
AO Apostolic Oblates 使徒宣言
AO Assignment Officer 派遣官员

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