
你在寻找 ACTS 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 ACTS 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 ACTS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 ACTS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ACTS Advanced Cargo Tracking System 高级货物查询系统
ACTS African Centre for Technologies Studies 非洲技术研究中心
ACTS acute cervical traumatic sprain 急性颈部扭伤
ACTS Advanced Communication Technologies and Services 先进的通信技术与业务
ACTS Advanced Communication Technology Satellite 先进通信技术卫星
ACTS Association of Competitive Telecommunications Suppliers (Canada) 竞争性电信供应商协会(加拿大)
ACTS Association of Clerical Technical Staffs 文书技术人员协会
ACTS All-Channel Television Society 全频道电视协会
ACTS Association of Cable Television Suppliers 有线电视供应商协会
ACTS African Centre for Technology Studies 非洲技术研究中心
ACTS Air Corps Tactical School 空军战术学校
ACTS Association pour les Cardio-TransplantÉs de Strasbourg Association pour les Cardio-TransplantÉs de Strasbourg
ACTS Automatic Computer Telex Service 自动计算机电传服务
ACTS Amazon Conservatory for Tropical Studies 亚马逊热带研究学院
ACTS Acoustic Control and Telemetry System 声学控制和遥测系统
ACTS Automated Compatibility Test System (CTL/GSFC/NASA) 自动化的兼容性测试系统(CTL / GSFC /美国国家航空和宇宙航行局)
ACTS Automatic Coin Telephone Service 自动投币电话服务
ACTS Advanced Civil Transport Simulator 高级民用运输模拟器
ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services 先进通信技术和服务
ACTS Advanced Communications Technology Satellite 先进通信技术卫星
ACTS Air Combat Training System 空中作战训练系统
ACTS American Coalition for Traffic Safety, Inc. 美国交通安全联盟。
ACTS Automated Computer Time Service 自动计算机时间服务
ACTS Appeals Case Tracking System 上诉案件跟踪系统
ACTS Automated Case Tracking System 自动病例追踪系统
ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies Services 高级通信技术服务
ACTS Advanced Extremely-High-Frequency COMSEC/TRANSEC System (NSA) 先进的Extremely-High-Frequency COMSEC / TRANSEC系统(国家安全局)
ACTS Accountability, Controllability, and Traceability System 问责制、可控性和可追溯性系统
ACTS Agency Check Tracking System 机构检查跟踪系统
ACTS Automated Centralized Telemanagement System 自动化集中远程管理系统
ACTS American Council for Trade in Services 美国服务贸易委员会
ACTS Asbestos Contractor Tracking System 石棉承包商跟踪系统
ACTS Adjustable Convertible Trust Security 可调整可转换信托证券
ACTS Affimex Customs and Trade Services (Canada) Affinex海关和贸易服务(加拿大)
ACTS Apache Crew Trainer System Apache Crew Trainer系统
ACTS Acquisition Control & Tracking System 采集控制系统
ACTS Alcohol Chemical Treatment Series 酒精化学处理系列
ACTS Advanced Crew Transportation System (Russian Soyuz spacecraft model) 高级船员运输系统(俄罗斯联盟号飞船模型)
ACTS Adoration Community Theology Service 崇拜社区神学服务
ACTS American Countryside Tourism Strategies 美国乡村旅游战略
ACTS Army Compliance Tracking System 陆军合规性跟踪系统
ACTS Adaptability, Commitment, Tenacity, and Selflessness 适应性、承诺、坚韧和无私
ACTS Active Christians Training for Service 积极的基督徒服务培训
ACTS Advanced Catalytic Technologies for Sustainability 先进催化技术促进可持续发展
ACTS Accelerated Christian Teaching Series 加速基督教教学系列
ACTS Adult Christians Together Socially 成年基督徒一起社交
ACTS A Coalition To Support 支持的联盟
ACTS Area Churches Together Serving 区域教会一起服务
ACTS Apostolic Center for Training and Service 使徒训练和服务中心
ACTS Alpine Christian Teen Sheet 阿尔卑斯基督教青少年床单
ACTS Admiration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication 赞美、忏悔、感恩、祈祷
ACTS Acute Care and Traffic Safety 急性护理和交通安全
ACTS Action Creativity Technology Service 行动创意技术服务
ACTS Actors Committed To Service 致力于服务的演员
ACTS Acknowledging Christ Through Service 通过服务认识基督
ACTS Action Charity Testimony Sanctification 行动慈善证词制裁
ACTS Assist A Child To School 帮助孩子上学
ACTS A Community Tutoring Successfully 社区辅导成功
ACTS A Call To Serve 服务的召唤
ACTS Automated Control of Trainees Sys 学员系统的自动控制
ACTS Automatically Compensated Top Stop 自动补偿顶部停止
ACTS Automated Coin Toll Service 自动投币收费服务
ACTS Automatic Cloud Tracking System 自动云跟踪系统
ACTS Abundant Care Training Services (Detroit, MI) 丰富的护理培训服务(密歇根州底特律)
ACTS Automated Configuration Tracking System 自动配置跟踪系统
ACTS Automated COSAL Tracking System 自动化COSAL跟踪系统
ACTS Assignment/Correspondence Tracking System 作业/信件跟踪系统
ACTS Action of Churches Together in Scotland (UK) 苏格兰教会联合行动(英国)
ACTS Advanced CompuTational Software 高级计算软件
ACTS Attorney-Client Trust Scale 律师客户信任量表
ACTS Automated Circuit Test System 自动电路测试系统
ACTS Aboriginal Christian Training Services (Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia) 土著基督教培训服务(Tweed Heads,澳大利亚新南威尔士州)
ACTS Automated Communications Test System 自动化通信测试系统
ACTS Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication 崇拜、争论、感恩、祈祷
ACTS Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication (prayer guideline) 崇拜忏悔感恩祈祷(祈祷指南)
ACTS Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances 有毒物质咨询委员会
ACTS Adventists Commissioned to Train Servants for Christ (Canada) 基督复临安息日会受委托为基督培训仆人(加拿大)
ACTS Automated CDRL and Tracking System 自动化CDRL和跟踪系统
ACTS Adaptive Computerized Training System 自适应计算机训练系统
ACTS Automated Communication Telemanagement System 自动化通信远程管理系统
ACTS Automatic Coin Telephone System 自动投币电话系统
ACTS Aegis Combat Training System 宙斯盾作战训练系统
ACTS Activating Children\'s Thinking Skills 激活儿童思维能力
ACTS A Chance To Share 分享的机会
ACTS acute cervical traumatic syndrome 急性颈外伤综合征
ACTS Automated Card Tracking System 自动卡片跟踪系统
ACTS A Commitment To Serve 服务承诺
ACTS A Commitment To Service 服务承诺
ACTS Army Criteria Tracking System 陆军标准跟踪系统
ACTS A Chance To Serve 发球的机会
ACTS Advance Communications Technology Satellite 先进通信技术卫星
ACTS Automated Coin Toll System 自动投币收费系统
ACTS A Call To Service 服务电话
ACTS American Christian Television System 美国基督教电视系统
ACTS Advanced Container Transport System 先进的集装箱运输系统
ACTS Active Coalition for Transitional Services 过渡服务积极联盟
ACTS Analytical Creative Thinking Skills 分析创造性思维技能
ACTS Asian Christian Theological Studies 亚洲基督教神学研究
ACTS Accepting The Call To Serve 接受服务召唤
ACTS Advanced Computational Testing And Simulation 高级计算测试和模拟

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