
你在寻找 ABCD 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 ABCD 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 ABCD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 ABCD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ABCD Accelerated Business Collection and Delivery 加快收寄投递系统
ABCD atomic, bacteriological and chemical protection 原子、细菌和化学防护
ABCD Association of British Choral Directors 英国合唱导演协会
ABCD Association of Biomedical Communications Directors 生物医学传播主管协会
ABCD Association of British Clinical Diabetologists 英国临床糖尿病医师协会
ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design 桥梁施工与设计协会
ABCD Associazione di Biologia Cellulare e del Differenziamento 不同生物细胞协会
ABCD Association for the Benefit of Child Development (North Carolina) 儿童发展福利协会(北卡罗来纳州)
ABCD Above and Beyond the Call of Duty 超越职责的要求
ABCD Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline 咨询和纪律精算委员会
ABCD AltaVista Business Card Directory AltaVista名片目录
ABCD Associated Businesses of the Cultural District (Texas) 文化区相关企业(德克萨斯州)
ABCD Agent Based Computational Demography 基于Agent的计算人口统计学
ABCD Associação Brasileira de Colite Ulcerativa e Doença de Crohn Associação Brasileira de Colite Ulcerativa e Doença de Crohn
ABCD Airway, Breathing, Circulation, and Disability 气道、呼吸、循环和残疾
ABCD Air Biway Corridor Defense (SkimAire hovercraft ground effect machine by Air Rider Transport Inc.) 空中双向通道防御(空中骑手运输公司生产的SkimAire气垫船地面效应机)
ABCD Awaiting Bad Conduct Discharge 等待不良行为解除
ABCD Access to Baby and Child Dentistry (Washington state) 获得婴儿和儿童牙科(华盛顿州)
ABCD American Born Confused Desi (Asia-Indians raised in USA) 美国出生的困惑的德西(在美国长大的亚裔印度人)
ABCD American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry 美国牙科美容委员会
ABCD Advanced Base Construction Depot 先进基地建设基地
ABCD Asset-Based Community Development Institute 基于资产的社区发展研究所
ABCD Americans for Better Care of the Dying 美国人对临终关怀
ABCD Academic Betterment And Career Development 学术进步与职业发展
ABCD Audience Behavior Conditions And Degree 受众行为条件和程度
ABCD Another Bad China Day 又一个糟糕的中国日
ABCD Asset Based Community Development 基于资产的社区发展
ABCD check for open airway,breathing,blood circulation and initiate definitive therapy 检查开放气道、呼吸、血液循环,并开始最终治疗
ABCD atomic,bacteriological and chemical defence 原子、细菌和化学防御
ABCD atomic,biological,chemical damage control 原子、生物、化学损伤控制
ABCD adriamycin,bleomycin,ccnu,dacarbazine 阿霉素、博莱霉素、ccnu、达卡巴嗪
ABCD American Born Confused Desi 美国出生的困惑的德西
ABCD Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Definitive Treatment (emergency cardiac care) 气道、呼吸、循环、最终治疗(紧急心脏护理)
ABCD Access to Biological Collections Data 获取生物采集数据
ABCD Array-Bounds Checks on Demand 阵列边界按需检查
ABCD Access To Baby And Child Dentistry 婴儿和儿童牙科
ABCD Algemene Bridge Club Dronten 阿尔盖门大桥俱乐部
ABCD Ask Brainstorm Choose And Do 进行头脑风暴,选择并做
ABCD Asymmetry, Border, Color, and Diameter 不对称、边框、颜色和直径
ABCD Art Books Comics And Disney 艺术书籍漫画和迪斯尼
ABCD After Breast Cancer Diagnosis 乳腺癌诊断后
ABCD Aprendiendo Beisbol Con Dios Aprendendo Beisbol Con Dios公司
ABCD Achieving Better Community Development 实现更好的社区发展
ABCD Asymmetry Border Colour And Differentiated 不对称边框颜色和区分
ABCD Analysis Of Building Climatic Data 建筑气候数据分析
ABCD Age, Blood pressure, Clinical features, Duration of symptoms (system to determine risk of stroke within 7 days of a tran 年龄、血压、临床特征、症状持续时间(用于确定中风风险的系统)
ABCD Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes 糖尿病患者的适当血压控制
ABCD Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Defibrillation (emergency care) 气道、呼吸、循环、除颤(急救)
ABCD Action for Boston Community Development 波士顿社区发展行动
ABCD Academy of Biblical Character Development 圣经性格发展学院
ABCD airway, breathing, circulation, differential diagnosis (emergency care) 气道、呼吸、循环、鉴别诊断(紧急护理)
ABCD A Basic Course in Dvorak 德沃夏克基础课程
ABCD Add Binary Coded Decimal (Motorola 68k processor instruction) 添加二进制编码十进制(Motorola 68k处理器指令)
ABCD Attachment Based Collaborative Diagnosis (psychotherapy) 基于依恋的协作诊断(心理治疗)
ABCD Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Decision (emergency care) 气道、呼吸、循环、决策(紧急护理)
ABCD ATP-Binding Cassette, Subfamily D ATP结合盒,D亚家族
ABCD Albinism, Black Lock, Cell Migration Disorder (Syndrome) 白化病、黑锁、细胞迁移障碍(综合征)
ABCD Actively Building Capacity for Diversity 积极建设多元化能力
ABCD Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities (New Jersey) 改善残疾公民联盟(新泽西州)
ABCD Advanced Beam Concept Development 先进光束概念开发
ABCD Aga Bai Chaddi Diste Aga Bai Chaddi区
ABCD Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter (melanoma detection) 不对称、边界、颜色、直径(黑色素瘤检测)
ABCD After Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Inc. (support organization) After Breast Cancer Diagnosis,Inc.(支持组织)

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