DOES缩写的意思 - 评估和标准化局
- 【英文缩写】: DOES
- 【英文全称】: Directorate of Evaluation and Standarization
- 【中文解释】: 评估和标准化局
- 【缩写分类】: 其他
- 【缩写简介】: DOES 相关英文缩写
以上为Directorate of Evaluation and Standarization英文缩略词DOES的中文解释及分类。
英文缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文意思 |
DOES | Director Of Evaluation & Standardization | 评价和规范化。主任 |
DOES | DEERS Online Enrollment System | DEERS在线报名系统 |
DOES | Department of Employment Services (District of Columbia) | 就业服务部(哥伦比亚特区) |
DOES | Dream of Electric Sheep | 电羊之梦 |
DOES | Dimensions of Excellence Scales | 卓越量表的维度 |
DOES | Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization | 评估和标准化局 |
DOES | Directorate of Evaluation and Standarization | 评估和标准化局 |
DOES | disorders of excessive somnolence | 过度嗜睡障碍 |
DOES | disorders of excessive sleepiness | 过度嗜睡障碍 |
上表最多展示DOES的10条常用含义,点击 DOES 查看更多。
DOES是什么意思 DOES的英文全称 评估和标准化局英文缩写